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I’ve been working in legal recruitment now for over 20 years, much longer than my career as a Solicitor, so I’ve started to think about what it is I love about what I do. Recruitment is challenging, especially in the current climate but, basically, I thrive on making a positive impact. Passion for Helping Others Recruitment is more than just…

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Navigating Imposter Syndrome: Understanding the Challenges Among Lawyers

We picture Lawyers as titans in the courtroom, paragons of legal knowledge, wielding the gavel of justice with unwavering confidence. However, the reality for many lawyers, especially those in the early stages of their careers, is far from this image. Instead, they grapple with a pervasive feeling commonly known as imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is that nagging voice that whispers,…

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Navigating the Legal Landscape: Millennials in the Legal Profession

The legal profession has undergone significant transformations over the years, and one of the driving forces behind these changes is the influx of Millennials, also known as Generation Y.  Millennials are now a prominent demographic within the legal field, bringing with them unique perspectives, values and approaches. In this blog, we will explore the impact of Millennials in the legal…

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Adapting to Change: The Benefits and Challenges of Hybrid Working in the Legal Profession

In recent years, the legal profession has remained resistant to change. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many law firms to rethink their traditional ways of working. As a result, we can see that hybrid working has now become increasingly popular in the legal sector. In this blog, we will explore what hybrid working is, the benefits and challenges it…

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